Green beans are a very healthy item that should be in your diet. Green beans are also rich in fiber and in vitamins and can provide you with a fantastic supplement for daily life. More than that, green beans also have a rich and springy taste to them. They are not the kind of vegetables you would have a problem with eating, unlike many others. Green beans can be consumed in other dishes or by themselves. However, to eat them, you will have to know how to boil green beans. Let’s take a look at what you need to do to boil green beans.
How to Boil Green Beans (Step-by-Step)
Boiling green beans is a simple process. You will need to do a set of things step by step. It is not complex in the ingredients department either. You just need some green beans, water, and a little bit of salt.
The following recipe on how to boil green beans has been designed for a quantity of 400 grams of green beans. If you wish to boil more, you will need to change the recipe to match the amount you aim to boil.
Here’s what’s needed when it comes to how to boil green beans:
Step1: Add 350 ml of water in a boiling utensil
The first step involves adding 350 ml of water to a boiling utensil. This amount is well-suited for the 400 grams of green beans boiled in this recipe. If you wish to increase the number of green beans, you must also increase the amount of water accordingly.
Step 2: Bring the water to a boil
Rather than boiling the green beans in the water, we will boil the water first. This is because green beans can be damaged by water and might lose their flavor if we boil them directly in the water.
Step 3: Add a tablespoon of salt
Salt is a great condiment and will add some seasoning and taste to the boiled green beans you are cooking. However, salt has another role to play here. When added to water, salt raises the boiling point. This means that more heat is needed for the water to boil. The greater amount of heat allows the green beans to cook even better and longer. Furthermore, if you desire more seasoning for your green beans, you can add a greater amount of salt.
Step 4: Add 400 grams of frozen green beans to the water
Simply add in 400 grams of frozen green beans to the water. You can use fresh green beans for this procedure. But if you wish to store green beans, it’s better to freeze them rather than refrigerate them. By freezing them, you can preserve them for longer and they do not lose their flavor. Furthermore, cooking frozen green beans in hot water means there is less of a chance of damage to the beans. They thaw first and then cook, instead of being immediately affected by the heat.
Step 5: Let the Beans cook for 3-5 minutes
Let the beans cook in the hot water. You don’t need to add more heat here. The heat from the boiled water is enough to give the beans what they need to cook. Just leave them for 3-5 minutes and let them cook. If you let them cook for more than that, they might become damaged.
Step 6: Filter out the water and let the moisture drain out
Filter all of the water through a sieve. Let the moisture from the green beans drain out. You can leave them for a few minutes on the sieve so that the water they have on them can drain out. When they’ve lost all of the moisture, simply pick them up and plate. Your green beans are cooked and ready!
How Long to Boil Green Beans
There are two different heating stages for this recipe on how to boil green beans. One involves boiling and the other involves cooking in hot water. Here are the details on the boiling:
Heating Stage | What Comes Before | Duration |
Bring the water to a boil | Put the water in a utensil | Just bring the water to a boil |
Cook the green beans in hot water | Put the frozen green beans inside the water | Cook the beans for 3-5 minutes |

How to Boil Green Beans (Recipe)
- 350 ml water
- 1 tbsp salt
- 400 g frozen green beans
- Add 350 ml of water in a boiling utensil
- Bring the water to a boil
- Add a tablespoon of salt
- Add 400 grams of frozen green beans to the water
- Let the Beans cook for 3-5 minutes
- Filter out the water and let the moisture drain out
- Add greater salt for more cooking and seasoning but decrease the duration of cooking.
- To add more taste to your boiled green beans, you can add condiments such as black peppercorn and lemon to the water before cooking.
- If you use fresh green beans rather than frozen ones, decrease the cooking duration.
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